Burst your bauble, oops *bubble
Christmas can be a great time of connection; however, as humans, we’re often tempted to stay in our relational safety bubble. Make the most of Christmas this year by bursting your bauble bubble 😉 and being intentional about strengthening your relational connection with the people immediately around you.
Humans are hardwired for genuine connection. And it’s in that space Jesus calls you to share him with the world.
After His death and resurrection, Jesus said, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Notice the progression of Jesus’ instructions: Jerusalem followed by Judea and Samaria, and finally the ends of the earth.
For the disciples, Jerusalem was the immediate area, the center of their culture and society. Make the most of Christmas this year by limiting your hyper-connection with the world and exploring true, genuine connection with the people immediately around you.
Here are 3 practical ways to burst your relational bubble this Christmas:
Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight people He wants you to intentionally connect with this Christmas.
Foster deeper connections with people immediately around you—your friends, family, and the people you see every day.
Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and take opportunities to open up conversations about Jesus, church, and faith.
Make the most of Christmas by being present in the moment and building genuine connection with the people immediately around you.
Ask someone “How are you doing today?” and intentionally listen to their answer.
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