The world needs the peace that you have.

We live in a world full of restlessness, fear, and instability. Yet, as Christians, Jesus offers us peace amidst it all. As Christians, not only do we have access to this peace, but we are also called to reflect it to others who are longing for stability and hope in a chaotic world.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Peace is one of the greatest gifts God gave to mankind. And it’s a gift we can share with those around us who are searching for meaning and rest. Yet, often we can feel far from peace. So how do we as Christians live from the place of peace that Jesus describes? Erwin McManus illustrates it well when he speaks about worship, and how genuine worship can create a shift of responsibility in our thinking.
When we are feeling overwhelmed by life, feeling the stress, anxiety, and the despair, McManus says it’s because we have taken on responsibility for things that we do not have the power to carry. So how do we shift the burden and draw on the peace Jesus offers?
Let it Go
Erwin explains when we take on the stressors it’s like we pitch a horizontal roof over our life. When the rain falls, it gets heavy and our roof collapses. Yet, if we shift our roof to be more vertical, aka, connect with God. It causes the rain to pour off to the side and water all the fields around it, growing a harvest that eventually bears fruit. When we live from a place of peace, it becomes evident to those around us. Our lives can spark curiosity and open doors for conversations about the source of our peace—Jesus.
Worshipping God teaches our soul to shift our roof vertically. This helps us to re-align our internal narrative too, “This is bigger than me. This is not mine to bear. I’m going to give it to God.” which can provide a sense of peace even in the chaos. As you re-align and experience God’s peace, consider how you can gently point others to Him through your own example and words.
When the stressors of life start to take over your peace, practice the art of refining your soul worship so that when the rain comes, you can continue to be peacemakers who create fruit within the storm.
In practicing the art of resting in God's peace, we not only nurture our own souls but also demonstrate to others the hope and security found in Jesus. Who in your life might benefit from hearing about the peace that Jesus offers?
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